Please sit and read!

Nobody perfect,but WE should try to be perfect.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Taktahu nak cakap apa.


Aku ada masalah. And, it depress me well. Sampaikan bila sampai satu tahap, aku taktahu nak buat apa, dan menyerah. Berserah kepada takdir. Menangis tu jangan cakap, almost everyday and bila keseorangan. Haha. I dont know why i still stick to this problem, from year to year, and almost 6 years bertahan masalah yang sama. Dan sekarang, baru sedar yang aku kene berubah, kalau tak aku, siapa lagi. 

For your information, by own reading, tak jumpa doctor or pakar lagi, just tanya to the some believe people that expert in this situation, i have been diagnosis with depression disorder, taktahu lah tahap berapa dan bipolar ke tak bipolar ke, sebab tak jumpa lagi. Just on some assumption. 

Yes, memang mengaku, memang susah nak cuba menjauhkan dari orang yang kita sayang dan percaya. Nak pergi secara tiba-tiba. Its like, WHATT?

Walaupun dah cuba kenal ramai orang, dan, aku taktahu apa dosa yang aku buat, all of them are same attitude and some of them more worst. Dan, aku pun berserah dekat takdir, langsung tak pikir soal jodoh or what-so-ever. Ikut flow of life, kalau ada, ada. Kalau takde, takde. Bukan aku tak usaha, tapi, dorang treat aku teruk. They don't deserve me!

Just believe in takdir, setiap yang berlaku ada hikmah, aku manusia yang kuat. Kalau tak, kenapa Allah nak uji aku dengan ujian seberat ni. 

"Buy baby things and told me that is for his sister's baby.
Go to vacation with beloved family and said that is some kind of outstation that provide by company.
Go to UiTM Melaka, learn something, but suddenly quit??
Go to work at bank, but do not have any prove at all.
DO this, DO that, just to impress me.
BUT, in reality, DO NOT DO anything at all!!"

Last word, MOVE ON.
Its not simple, but, i try my best.
Insya allah.
Keep pray with me.

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